Monday, June 22, 2009

Rapa - Jan - Dec 1992

  1. On 5-1-92, the forces during late hours entered in a house at Barbar-Shah, Srinagar and committed rape. When it came in the press that an old lady who was mentally upset, has been raped, the public was moved and condemnation came from all quarters. In this regard an F.I.R. stands registered in concerned Police station. After an F.I.R. was registered, the lady was sent to hospital for medical examination; the medical report confirmed the rape.
  2. On 13-1-92, at Tul Bugh, Sopore of District Baramulla, the forces entered in to the house of one Gh. Mohd. Bhat and, in the absence of male members, forcibly tried to rape a lady. But upon hue and cry raised by the said lady, the locals came out and forces fired some bullets in air and ran away. The locals later came out in a procession. An F.I.R. for attempt to rape stands registered in the concerned Police station.
  3. On 1st August, 1992, two British girls (sisters in relation) namely MS. Stevenson Jenet and Stevenson Joane bearing passport numbers 731038/92 Tv. 324663/92 and 1630668, Tv. 32463/92 respectively went on a Shikara Tour through river Jehlum which passes through the main city. These ladies had arrived at srinagar on 31-7-92. They left in the morning, along with two boatman and a guide. On reaching near Zainakadal bridge located in downtown city, the forces stopped them and took them in a houseboat along with the two sikara drivers and guide. The forces had in a routine matter cordoned off the area under the pretext of search operations. As reported the forces asked them to lie down as the militants were just to attack on them. The forces took the two sikara drivers and guide to some unknown place. When the two sister's asked the forces to leave them as they were tourists, nobody would listen . Then the forces attempted to rape them but as per the ladies, they managed to escape when they jumped into the sikara which was nearby . The people came for their rescue and a pressman namely Qaiser Mirza also interviewed them. When the news came to public and the pressman in an interview on Voice of America heard the news, the government came with a handout that no molestation of these two young ladies has taken place and it was reported in the press that in the army handout the ladies had manipulated the story at the behest of militants in order to defame the forces. In this connection an F.I.R No. 168/92 U/S 376/511 and 354 stands registered in P/S M.R.Gunj, which is pending investigation. In our previous report one lady journalist was raped by the National security Guard Personnel and a final charge sheet had been presented against those culprits as reported. The Government authorities said that one person namely Mohd. Ayub Badyari who was the guide in the sikara, was declared as a Pakistan Trained Militant. The government has everything in their own hands in order to declare a person as a militant or an innocent but after their goal is over. A person after arrest is released half-dead due to the third degree torture and that released person may or may not recover is a question of luck. The government played a master card in order to avoid humiliation at the hands of world community, when they declared M.Ayub. Badyari as militant and the poor , innocent person is still in custody. The two ladies cancelled their tour and left the valley next day. Now they are in their own country and truth can be ascertained form them.
  4. At Batakote, Handwara of district Kupwara, the forces had been attacked at Achkote about two kilometers away from the place of incident. The forces had suffered some causality; the forces in order to take revenge, entered the area, and dragged out the locals out of their houses. When the innocent old aged people wanted to inquire about the behavior, the forces fired on the young people. The brutal forces entered into a house and killed three women who tried to intervene after their kiths and kins were shot at by the forces. The forces molested and raped four ladies. When the people came to know about the incident, a number of human right activists and journalists reached the spot and in this connection a case was already registered in the concerned Police station. The lady victims were referred to a doctor for examination in order to ascertain the presence of semen and marks of violence on the victims. The case is under investigation and the local Police in almost in all the cases which have been registered against the forces, have not proceeded under law because of the helplessness better known to the them.
  5. On the intervening night of 10/11-10-92, the forces entered into the village of Cheek-E-Saidpora, Shopian in district Pulwama, under the pretext of search operations and asked all the male members to assemble at a particular place for identification purposes. The forces in absence of the male members forcibly raped an 11 years minor girl and five other ladies. On hue and cry of the ladies, the forces were compelled to lift the cordon and the people after entering the homes were narrated the tailful story by the female folk. When the news came known to the public, some of the human right activists went to the spot and were first stopped by the forces but later they entered the village. The victims were taken to hospital for medical check-ups; a lady doctor Safia after medical examination gave a statement that there were positive signs of rape and on the minor girl marks of violence were also seen. This examination was done in presence of Dr. Bashir Ahmad and Dr. A.N.Butt. One lady had given birth of child just some months back. One Doctor namely Dulat Hussain has been arrested by the forces and his whereabouts are not yet known. His mother has complained that he has not returned home after the arrest and all doctors have a reasonable belief that the government is deliberately causing harassment to the doctors to stop them giving honest opinion.
  6. On 24-12-92, one shepherd lady was raped by the Indian Armed Forces (BSF) and after registering a complaint in the concerned Police station at Uri of District Baramulla, some jawans of BSF reportedly kidnapped including her kids and husband. The forces have been continuously harassing the people during crackdowns in case somebody complains against them before the authorities.
In Jan - Dec 1991

Best of Luck.

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Naiz Ahmed Naik