Monday, June 22, 2009

Rape - Jan - Dec 1991

  1. On 10-7-91, one lady Shara Khatoon an employee in a private firm "Ansari Motors' Zero-Bridge, SGR., was raped by three armed personnel during late hours. When her brother tried to save her from the hands of the forces, he was beaten. He managed to jump through a window due to which his arm was fractured. In this connection an F.I. R has been registered in Police Station Kothibagh, Sgr.
  2. On 26/27-91, during crackdown operations at at Kalaroos, Kupwara, woman folk were molested by the forces.
  3. In Arizal Berwa, Badgham District four ladies were raped by the forces during search operations on 12-8-91.
  4. On 3-9-91, at Safanagri, Neloora, the forces entered into the houses of the helpless ladies and raped two ladies.
  5. On 17-10-91, wife of one Gulla Gani R/O Arigham, Badgham was raped by the forces and when she made hue and cry, the forces shot her died.
  6. On 25-9-91, two army personnel raped an Australian lady, namely, Hadeson at Ladakh; later she reported the matter to the local Police and after the registration of case, the victim identified the culprits.
  7. On 18-11-91, one woman was raped by the soldiers of 142 B.N (B.S.F.) at Islamabad. On investigating the lady identified one soldier Jawan namely, Bomic.
  8. In Hilar Bahi Village of Islamabad District on 5-12-91, the forces cordoned off a number of villages and started indiscriminate firing due to which 20 persons were injured and out of 20 persons five were seriously injured and two persons killed. The forces entered into the houses of the locals and raped four married ladies, including a six months pregnant lady, who later reported the matter to District Authorities Islamabad. An F.I.R has been registered in P/S Dooru Islamabad, which is under investigation. The ladies were medically examined, which established the fact that the said ladies had been raped. The forces in order to harass the people set ablaze 46 houses. After two days of incidents the pregnant lady gave birth to a dead child. Due to the threat of the forces ladies of the locality took shelter in the house of one Gh.Qadir Rather after the forces started setting ablaze the houses of the innocent people. One married lady was dragged out of a room in the said house and on gun point taken to third floor of the building where she was raped by a Sikh armed personnel.The poor lady tried her best to save her chastity but the brutal forces did not pay any heed to her request. She requested them not to commit any inhuman act because she was pregnant but the armed personnel raped her. An another lady aged about 25 was taken into the second floor of the same house and was raped by one more armed personnel. The poor lady offered her wrist watch as a bribe for not committing the inhuman act but the armed personnel raped her and other armed personnel were standing as watchmen on the door.The forces later took the said wrist watch along with them. An another lady who had come to save her house and movable goods was raped in her own house. One more lady who had also came from the field to save her valuables in the houses which the forces had set ablaze, was also raped by the forces. The whole area was under seige for number of days. Later few voluntarily organizations including local journalists, visited the area confirming the incident. A Band was observed in whole of the valley for one day as a mark of protest against the inhuman acts of the forces. Their are number of F.I.R.'s lodged in different Police stations of the state against the forces in which no action has been taken so far by the local Police. The government authorities and their stooges are deliberately avoiding to hand over the paramilitary forces wanted in the said F.I.R.'s. The local Police is helpless. On 8-1-92, the Governor in a press conference which was later reported in the local news papers on 9-1-92, admitted the incident of rape. The people believe that the Government of India is doing all this under a plan to suppress the people with the sole intention that the people of State will give up their the demand of freedom.
  9. On 27-12-91, the forces entered into the a house of Gh. Mohd R/O Shilwat, Baramulla and failed in their attempt to rape his wife, on the intervention of her husband. The forces while leaving the house fired at him and he received bullet injuries on his arm.
In Jan - Dec 1990

Best of Luck.

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Naiz Ahmed Naik